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Publication Fund

The University of Potsdam supports its researchers with a publication fund for publishing research results in Open Access journals.

The funds provided by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the University of Potsdam are intended to enable university members to publish scientific articles in Open Access journals and thus make them available to researchers and the public worldwide. If the funding criteria are met, after submitting an appropriate application, financing of the incurred publication fees (APC) up to an amount of € 2,000 is possible via the publication fund. On the publication server publish.UP, you will find a list of articles funded through the publication fund.

What can be funded?
Publication fees for the primary publication of journal articles.

Who is the offer addressed to?
Members and affiliates of the University of Potsdam

Email: publikationsfondsuni-potsdamde

Funding criteria

The German Research Foundation (DFG) and the University of Potsdam have established the following criteria for funding scientific articles with the Open Access Publication Fund:

  • Applicants must be members of the University of Potsdam at the time of application and must contribute to the article either as "submitting author" or as "corresponding author". The affiliation with the University of Potsdam must be indicated in the article. Please follow the instructions for indicating the affiliation.
  • The selected journal will publish all articles immediately open access. Furthermore, the journal meets the scientific quality criteria valid for the respective discipline, as documented in the DOAJ. Excluded from funding are Open Access options for single articles in journals that are subject to subscription.
  • Funded articles need to be published under a Creative Commons license.
  • Only costs up to € 2,000 (net) per article for Article Processing Charges (APCs) are funded. Partial funding is possible. However, it must be specified in the application form from which funds the remaining amount will be financed (please enter details in the comments field).
  • Articles cannot be funded if it is possible to finance the publication costs from third-party funds raised for this purpose (i.e. publication budgets).
  • The funded article will appear in the current funding year.

Information on further funding options, such as the Publication Fund for Open Access Monographs of the State of Bandenburg or the Publication Cost Subsidies of the PoGS of the University of Potsdam, can be found on their respective websites.