Import publications from publish.UP into your ORCID profile: ORCID Claiming in BASE

The publication data from publish.UP are continuously delivered to the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE). From there, you can easily export your listed publications to your ORCID profile.
How to export publication records from BASE with ORCID iD:
1. search your own publication(s) in BASE
2. click "claim" in the results list
3. confirm your authorship (after login with your BASE identification)
4. connect your publication(s) with your ORCID profile using ORCID iD
5. export metadata (author, title, publishing year etc.) to your publication list at ORCID
After claiming your publications, an icon ("ID") with a link to your ORCID profile will appear next to your author name in BASE. The enrichment of author information in BASE with ORCID iDs was implemented in the context of the project ORCID DE, in which, among others, the University Library of Bielefeld is involved as operator of the search engine BASE.
Further information about BASE and ORCID Claiming in BASE can be found in the BASE Weblog of the University of Bielefeld.