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University Bibliography

Marco Winkler

If you have any questions or would like detailed advice, please feel free to contact us anytime.

The University Bibliography lists publications by members of the University of Potsdam that were published in the context of their university membership. It offers an overview of the entire publication range of the university.

Marco Winkler

If you have any questions or would like detailed advice, please feel free to contact us anytime.

It includes monographs, journal articles, articles in anthologies, dissertations, and other printed or digital publications. At present, the database contains more than 34,000 titles that can be searched in the bibliography.

Add your publication to the University Bibliography!
The University Library imports a major part of the publication data to the bibliography. Members of the University of Potsdam are invited to add their missing publications. For single publications, please use the registration form. You can also send us publication lists as an export from a reference management program.

Increase the visibility and citation rate of your publication!
If you have not published your work on the publication server of the University of Potsdam (yet), you might consider a free secondary publication. More information on this can be found under Secondary Publication and Author Rights.

Connect your publication on publish.UP with your ORCID profile in just a few steps!
The publication data from publish.UP are continuously delivered to the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE). From there, you can easily export your listed publications to your ORCID profile. For more information and detailed instructions, see ORCID Claiming in BASE.
