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News from the University Library

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Grafik Teilnehmende Videokonferenz

New: Online Consultations

As a new service, the University Library is now offering online consultations.
Cover in Regenbogenfarben

New Release: “Jewish, Gay and Proud” - The Founding of Beth Chayim Chadashim as a Milestone of Jewish Homosexual Integration

Pri ha-Pardes 13

This publication examines the foundation and institutional integration of the first gay-lesbian synagogue Beth Chayim Chadashim, which was founded in …
Coverbild mit Skyline und Filmstreifen

New Release: Hollywood - a Challenge for the Soviet Cinema

Norbert P. Franz

This book features four essays that illuminate the relationship between American and Soviet film cultures in the 20th century.

Online Library Introductions

Introductions for New Students The University Library offers various courses and introductions for new students via Zoom. You will find more detailed …
Lesesaal Babelsberg

Reading and workstations inside the University Library

We are happy to provide university members with reading and workstations inside the University Library again. For now, we can provide a limited number …

Just released: Purposiveness of nature in Kant’s third critique

by Thijs Menting

This dissertation aims to deliver a transcendental interpretation of Immanuel Kant’s Kritik der Urteilskraft, considering both its coherence with …
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Research Data Policy and Strategy published

After a Research Data Strategy, the University of Potsdam has now published a Research Data Policy and Recommendations for the Handling of Research …

Interlibrary loan possible again

As of now, copies and books can be ordered again via interlibrary loan. You may place your orders as usual in the Union Catalogue (GVK). If you don't …
digital book

New acquisitions in the humanities: e-book packages and databases

The University Library has acquired various databases and e-book packages for the subject area of the Faculty of Arts. E-book packages include …
stock exchange

New acquisitions in economics and social sciences: e-book packages

Extensive e-book packages for the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences were acquired again last year. The individual titles are not yet completely …