New Release: “Jewish, Gay and Proud” - The Founding of Beth Chayim Chadashim as a Milestone of Jewish Homosexual Integration
Pri ha-Pardes 13
This publication examines the foundation and institutional integration of the first gay-lesbian synagogue Beth Chayim Chadashim, which was founded in …
Introductions for New Students The University Library offers various courses and introductions for new students via Zoom. You will find more detailed …
Reading and workstations inside the University Library
We are happy to provide university members with reading and workstations inside the University Library again. For now, we can provide a limited number …
As of now, copies and books can be ordered again via interlibrary loan. You may place your orders as usual in the Union Catalogue (GVK). If you don't …
New acquisitions in economics and social sciences: e-book packages
Extensive e-book packages for the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences were acquired again last year. The individual titles are not yet completely …