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News from the University Library

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Interlibrary loan services not available from Friday, 22 March 2019, 18:00 to Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Du to urgent technical maintenance the following interlibrary loan services will not be available from Friday, 22 March 2019, 18:00 to Tuesday, 26 …

Library at the Neues Palais, building 10: limited use due to construction work starting Monday, 11 February

Please be advised that there will be some construction work being done in building 10 of the Library at the Neues Palais starting Monday, 11 …

2019 Publication Fund: Apply for funding for your Open Access article!

2019 Publication Fund: Apply for funding for your Open Access article!

New Acquisition: Encyclopedia of the Folk Tale

Comprising some 4,000 articles, the Enzyklopädie des Märchens Online (Encyclopedia of the Folk Tale) presents the results of almost two centuries of …

Open Access: New publisher agreement with Cogitatio Press


Departmental libraries Golm and Neues Palais closed 3 September 2018; Babelsberg library opens 9 am to 6 pm

Departmental libraries Golm and Neues Palais closed 3 September 2018; Babelsberg library opens 9 am to 6 pm

Please note: Departmental Library in Babelsberg (next to Griebnitzsee station) closed all day on Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Due to urgent maintenance work the Departmental Library in Babelsberg (next to Griebnitzsee station) will be closed all day on Wednesday, 4 April …

Beware of thieves in the Library: Keep your valuables with you!

Security advice

Please note: In the light of recent events, all Library users are requested to keep their valuables with them. Please do not leave any money, mobile …

Fernleihe - Aufsatzkopien aus eJournals

Ab sofort  können auch Nutzer/innen der UB Potsdam Aufsatzkopien aus eJournals über die GBV Online-Fernleihe bestellen. Wenn eine Bibliothek die von …

Besuchen Sie uns am 17.10.2016 bei WarmUP! - Semesterauftakt der Uni Potsdam. Unser Stand ist in der Waschhaus Arena zu finden.