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University Library interlibrary loan: article copies by email

Starting in August 2024, book chapters or journal articles ordered via the University Library's interlibrary loan service will no longer be provided in paper form, but as a downloadable document.

For library users, this means that printed copies no longer need to be collected from the departmental libraries. Instead, they will be delivered directly via a download link sent by e-mail. The download is then available for 30 days.

  • Please make sure you enter a valid e-mail address when submitting your order.
  • The interlibrary loan fee is still 1.50 euros for university members and 2.00 euros for external users.
  • Electronic delivery is made possible by an agreement with VG Wort, which protects the interests of authors. The Potsdam University Library pays the copyright fee so there will be no additional costs for you.

You can find more information about interlibrary loans here. If you have any questions or problems, please contact us.



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