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Sports Science

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Suject-Specific Databases
Relevant databases for sports science

SPORTDiscus is a comprehensive bibliographic database of the Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC, Ottawa/Canada) on sports, fitness and related disciplines such as sports law, health, nutrition and tourism.

Search engine for sports scientists, trainers and athletes with a focus on training science, which provides access to full texts.

PhysioLink provides a wide range of verified specialist information: More than 100 e-books, the Prometheus, over 900 teaching and learning videos, an archive with almost 50,000 illustrations, e-learning in the form of digital learning units and news from the healthcare sector and science, as well as e-journals.

PubMed contains the MEDLINE database published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine® (NLM), which covers the fields of medicine, dentistry, preclinical subjects, public health, nursing, veterinary medicine, etc., as well as peripheral fields such as biology, biochemistry, psychology and sports medicine. More than 5,200 biomedical journals are analyzed for MEDLINE.

Further databases are listed in the sports science section of the database information system (DBIS).


Subject-Specific E-Journals
Elektronic Journals Database (EZB)
Directory of available electronic journals in the field of sports science


Further Online Resources

Virtual Sports Library
The Virtual Sports Library (ViFa Sport) is a central portal for sports science information. Both printed media and electronic resources related to sports science are listed here.

OLC Sports Science
The OLC Sports Science database contains tables of contents of sports science journals and articles. It is a subject-related section of the Online Contents database.


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