Departmental Library Neues Palais, Building 9
Recent Aquisitions
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Selected Electronic Resourses and Recent Aquisitions (sorted by faculty)
Selected Electronic Resourses and Recent Aquisitions (sorted by faculty)
Suject-Specific Databases
Datenbank-Informationssystem (DBIS)
(Index Theologicus, UB Tübingen) is a comprehensive bibliography for theology and religious studies.
Elektronische Zeitschriften
Elektronische Zeitschriftendatenbank (EZB)
Special Collections (SSG) - until 2015
SSG 0 - Allgemeine und vergleichende Religionswissenschaft
RPP Online
Religion Past and Present
Access only within the campus network of the University of Potsdam via WLAN or outside via VPN. Please note our information on Access to Electronic Resources.