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Suject-Specific Databases
Relevant databases for psychology
The bibliographic database on psychology, PsycINFO, lists journal articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, research reports, case studies etc. on psychology and related fields such as psychiatry, sociology, educational science, anthropology, pharmacology, physiology, criminology and linguistics.
APA PsycARTICLES is the journal full-text database of the American Psychological Association (APA). This online database contains articles from over 100 peer-reviewed journals from the APA and other leading publishers/organizations. Articles from 1894 to the present are included.
The database of the American Psychological Association (APA) contains over 4,600 English-language psychology books in full text (pdf): current APA publications, reference works such as the 8-volume APA/Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of Psychology and the APA Handbooks in Psychology book series, as well as numerous classics. The complete list of e-books can be viewed via the official Coverage List and new additions can be viewed via Titles Recently Added.
Bibliographic database on psychological literature and test methods from German-speaking countries as well as audiovisual media from all areas of psychology, including psychologically relevant aspects from related disciplines such as psychiatry, medicine, education, sociology, sports science, linguistics, business administration, criminology.
PubMed contains the MEDLINE database published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine® (NLM), which covers the fields of medicine, dentistry, preclinical subjects, public health, nursing, veterinary medicine, etc., as well as peripheral fields such as biology, biochemistry, psychology and sports medicine. More than 5,200 biomedical journals are analyzed for MEDLINE.
Further databases are listed in the psychology section of the database information system (DBIS).
Subject-Specific E-Journals
Electronic Journals Database (EZB)
Directory of available electronic journals in the field of psychology
Further Online Resources
ViFaPsy (Virtual Library)
The Virtual Library of Psychology (ViFaPsy) provides a clear overview of information resources in psychology and hosts the full-text server PsyDok in addition to extensive link collections and research resources.
OLC Psychology
The OLC Psychology database is a subject-related extract from the Swets Online Contents database, which is continuously supplemented by selected journal titles from the SULB Saarbrücken, the responsible SSG library for psychology. The Swets service has been supplemented by selected journal titles from the Erlangen-Nuremberg University Library [former SSG library]. At present, 878 journal titles are being analyzed retrospectively up to the year of publication 1993. This means that the database currently (as of July 2020) contains around 1,295,000 articles and reviews from the field of psychology and related disciplines such as education.
Dorsch Dictionary of Psychology
The Dorsch Lexikon der Psychologie is a standard work that provides a comprehensive orientation on the basics, concepts and terms of psychology.
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