Departmental Library in Golm
Recent Library Acquisitions
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Suject-Specific Databases
Datenbank-Informationssystem (DBIS)
nkoda score database
The nkoda app provides access to around 30 million pages of sheet music from several centuries.
Naxos Music Library
Online streaming portal for classical music, jazz, world music, folk, rock and pop - access for three users at once only - please click on the log-out button after using the database (to avoid blocking other users).
OLC-SSG Musikwissenschaft/Musicology
indexes of musicology journals (1994 - today)
Subject-Specific E-Journals
Elektronische Zeitschriftendatenbank (EZB)
Access to electronic resources only within the campus network of the University of Potsdam via WLAN or outside via VPN. Please note our information on Access to Electronic Resources.
Portal of the Musicology Information Service