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Therapiebibliothek Linguistik (available tests and materials: overview)
Testbibliothek Psychologie


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Suject-Specific Databases
Relevant databases for linguistics

MLA International Bibliography
The MLA International Bibliography is the most important bibliographic database in the fields of literature, linguistics and cultural studies of all modern philologies.

The bibliographic database on psychology, PsycINFO, lists journal articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, research reports, case studies etc. on psychology and related fields such as psychiatry, sociology, educational science, anthropology, pharmacology, physiology, criminology and linguistics.

PubMed contains the MEDLINE database published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine® (NLM), which covers the fields of medicine, dentistry, preclinical subjects, public health, nursing, veterinary medicine, etc., as well as peripheral fields such as biology, biochemistry, psychology and sports medicine. More than 5,200 biomedical journals are analyzed for MEDLINE.

Further databases are listed in the linguistics and literature sections of the database information system (DBIS).


Subject-Specific E-Journals
Electronic Journals Database (EZB)
Directory of available electronic journals in the field of general and comparative linguistics and literature


Further Online Resources
The Linguist List
The Linguist List is the largest scientific information resource on linguistics. It provides information on textbooks, articles and journals as well as an overview of current conferences and job offers.
The Lin|gu|is|tik-Portal is the online platform of the Specialised Information Service Linguistics "Fachinformationsdienst (FID) Linguistik". The FID Linguistics is a central service facility for General Linguistics, General and Comparative Linguistics and Philological Linguistics. Via this portal, the FID provides broad, standardized access to subject-specific resources, including printed or electronic secondary literature as well as scientific online sources and research data.


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