Education Science
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Suject-Specific Databases
Relevant databases for education science
FIS Education Literature Database
The FIS Bildung literature database offers literature references on all areas of education. The database lists monographs, collected works and articles from specialist journals.
With over 1.8 million citations (as of January 2021), the largest database on education and educational science, created by the Education Resources Information Center, Washington, DC. Since 1966, ERIC has been indexing mainly English-language literature (books, journal articles, research and conference reports, etc.) with brief summaries on all areas of education (schools and teaching, pre-school education, special education, schools and universities, teacher training, adult education, vocational training, etc.)
The bibliographic database on psychology, PsycINFO, lists journal articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, research reports, case studies etc. on psychology and related fields such as psychiatry, sociology, educational science, anthropology, pharmacology, physiology, criminology and linguistics.
Dorsch Dictionary of Psychology
The Dorsch Lexikon der Psychologie is a standard work that provides a comprehensive orientation on the basics, concepts and terms of psychology.
Further databases are listed in the education science section of the database information system (DBIS).
Subject-Specific E-Journals
Electronic Journals Database (EZB)
Directory of available electronic journals in the field of education science
Further Online Resources
Virtual Library
Fachportal Pädagogik: Education Science subject catalog
As a cooperation between the Fachportal Pädagogik and the German Education Server, this subject catalog contains free online resources relevant to the research process in educational science.
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